Mahesh Shankar

  • Experience 24 Years
  • Location Bengaluru
  • Industry
    • Tech
    • Chemicals
    • Healthcare
    • Real Estate
  • Education Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant
CFO Partner

Mahesh Shankar by profession is a Chartered & Cost Accountant. He lives in Bengaluru (Bangalore- IT Capital) and has 24 years of experience across various sectors which includes financial, chemical, IT, Engineering, Healthcare, Industrial products, Renewables, and Construction. His stint in General Electric has earned him many accolades including the Enabler of the Year award for 2 consecutive years. He has worked very closely with the Board and leadership team. Proven capability of donning hats of vigilance and aggression, as required, alternating between a micro and macro view of the business. His last stint was as a Chief Financial Officer in the construction industry. He is a passionate marathoner and has been running for a few years and through this, he has endured to take any challenge and come up with great clarity of thoughts and agility. The promoter of bringing efficiency in the system through digitization and process improvement has been his expertise. Empowering the team, mentoring, and coaching the team have always helped him to grow as a leader.

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